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Crescent Catchers: Protecting Our Badges


The Gamma Phi Beta badge is a symbol of membership in our organization and means more
to us than what a stranger sees. It should be worn only by initiated members of Gamma Phi 
Beta and is never to be sold, loaned or given to another party. The badge is to be worn at all 
events where ritual is performed and is to be returned to International Headquarters by any 
member who resigns or whose membership is terminated. It should also be returned upon 
the death of a member, unless it can be worn by a legacy.

In the fall of 2002, a small group of members began a discussion regarding the sale of our 
badges on eBay. This group, appointed by council and known as the Badge Task Force, had
the responsibility to determine what, if anything, could be done.
After surveying our membership during the fall and winter, it became apparent that the root 
of the problem was really a lack of knowledge on the part of our members about most 
aspects of our badge.

The Badge Task Force presented its report to International Council, which decided to 
increase member awareness through badge education. The Foundation and Sorority are 
also working to establish criteria for “historically significant” badges, which may be returned 
for an IRS tax receipt to the Sorority's Museum at International Headquarters, c/o Badge 
Task Force. The donor, with their CPA or financial advisor will determine the value of the 
badge and receive credit by the Foundation as an “In Kind Gift.”

Educating both alumnae and collegians of badge etiquette will be accomplished through 
several methods. Collegians will be taught the importance of the badge as part of the 
Sorority's Crescent Values program. Our graduating seniors will be reminded of our policies 
when they receive their Senior Celebration packet during Senior Celebration Week. A pilot 
edition of the Crescent Catchers newsletter (a newsletter devoted to our badge) will debut at 
Convention and be available on the website, and occasionally in The Crescent. Workshops 
on badge history and policies will be developed for future Conventions and Regional 
Leadership Conferences.

The Badge Task Force will continue to monitor badges on eBay and purchase “historically 
significant” badges for their return to the Sorority's Museum or to their Greek-letter chapter. 
If you are interested in contacting members of the Badge Task Force or would like to join the 
group, please send an e-mail to:

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